The Brilliance Method

The Emerald Collective

Create Your Life

ON PURPOSE and Receive Support To Help You

🎬 Get on Bigger Stages and In Front of the Right People

💎 Align Your Energetic Frequency with Abundance

💻 Create Your Courses and Programs

🎟️ Sell with Ease and Joy

📚 Write and Record Your Books

🎙️ Launch Your Podcast

👑 Host Your Retreats

💕 Forgive Others and Be Happier

🎭 Play More!

Allow Ease Into Your Life

Scale and Expand Your Business in Ways That Align With Your Lifestyle and Personal Energy

Let Go of What Is Holding You Back From Becoming Who You Know You're Meant To Be

With the methodologies and practical application of what you will learn in The Brilliance Method Online Courses and Coaching Support on our Emerald Collective calls, you will align your business goals with your ideal lifestyle and shift each piece on your terms in ways that feel exciting and possible, every step of the way.

A lot of business coaches tell you that you have to live on social media and do everything outside of your comfort zone. I am here to meet you halfway from where you are and where you want to be. You get to do it your way. And if you're not clear on what that looks or feels like yet, you've come to the right place.

My mission is to help you learn to listen to and trust your own intuition so that you make the best choices for your life and what you want to accomplish.

I want to hear about all of your big dreams, and together we will create a practical, strategic, and energetic roadmap for you to get there faster than you may have ever imagined.

When you do the inside work first, you get ready for everything that happens on the "outside". Imagine being unstoppable, having the freedom to wake up and do what you feel motivated and inspired to do each day.

This is living in infinite abundance.

Your Invitation To The Emerald Collective of The Brilliance Method Includes

Get Shit Done Co-Working Sessions

(2x per month)

Emerald Group QnA Call

(2x per month)

Private Online Community with 24/7 Access


The Brilliance Method

Learn How To Create Your Life with Purpose and Start Taking Action

Course Creation Clarity

Learn How To Create Your Signature Course or Online Program

The Meditation Method

Learn Meditation for All Levels, Including Advanced Energetics

Virtual Retreat Replays

Learn How to Tap Into Your Abundance Mindset and Empower Your Actions and Marketing

Soul-Aligned Sales

Learn How to Sell Your Offers with Authenticity and Attract Clients Who Get You

Masterclass Replays

Learn How to Manifest, Book Speaking Gigs, Get Better at Video and So Much More!

The Emerald Collective




Month to Month (no long term commitment)

Live Group Coaching, Courses, Accountability

Claim Your Abundance and

Expand With Ease

Infusing mindfulness into business strategies is essential in scaling, and this is what the Emerald Collective of the Brilliance Method is for.

It means nothing to make more money if you're burned out and miserable, or don't trust yourself enough to take the next steps that you know are right. Let's release those old quickly so that you get better, faster results.

This program and the clients inside of it are unlike anything you've ever experienced.

This is home. Welcome home. You are safe to expand here.


  • Create More, Play More, Make More Money, Help More People, and Do More of What Makes You Happy

  • Receive Live Coaching When You Show Up and Ask Questions or Simply Lisen and Learn From What Others are Asking

  • Participate in the Collective Energy and Learning of Our Successful & Intuitive Clients

  • ​Gain A Deeper Clarity on Your Unique Brilliance To Create and Expand Your Path In This World

  • Learn ​Our Signature Soul-Aligned Sales System and Adapt It To Your Business So That Saying YES to YOU Resonates With You and Your Future Clients

  • Develop a Deep Level of Self-Trust, Self-Compassion, and Self-Love for Unstoppable Consistent Results

  • Learn Authentic Marketing Strategies That Support Your Ideal Lifestyle and Feel Fun To Do

  • ​Wake Up Every Day And Only Do What You Feel Motivated And Inspired To Do

  • ​Increase Your Energy and Productivity To Create Impact Driven Success

  • ​Live Mindfully and Fully Enjoy The Richness of Each Moment and Day

  • Create a Successful Legacy Business and Receive Passive Income with Your Signature Online Course, Podcast, Channel, or Digital Products and Services

Your Dreams Are Too Sacred To Fade Away

Support from Elysia Skye is WHOLE life and business coaching. This is not just about clients, sales and marketing. She will help you get out of your own way.

The Emerland Collective is here to help you with building your legacy and doing things differently, better, and with a support team.

You're here because you know you're meant for greatness and you require additional support from someone you trust to help you get even more out of your own way, to take aligned action on behalf of what you're creating, and to fully stepping into your power (money, health, happiness and inner peace).

You are ready to see yourself the way your biggest fans and followers see you.

The high achievers I work with are making more money and feeling more peaceful every single day.

My Clients Have:

  • Created and Started Their Dream Careers and Programs
  • Fully Stepped Into Their Purpose and Light Without Apologizing For It
  • Spoken on Some of the World's Biggest Platforms
  • Written and Published Thier Books
  • Produced Commercials and Video Trainings For Their Businesses
  • Launched Profitable Memberships
  • Started Charitable Organizations
  • 10X'd Their Incomes
  • Hired Full-Time Team Members
  • ​Received Capital For Their Businesses Even Though It "Seemed" Impossible
  • ​Raised Their Prices
  • ​Been "Fired" From Their Therapists For Being "Too Happy and Accepting"
  • ​Found Soul-Mate Love
  • ​Had Babies
  • ​Enriched Their Personal Relationships and Marriages
  • ​Fallen In Love With ThemSELVES and Their Lives
  • ​Saved Lives (theirs and others)
  • ​Forgiven, Let Go Of, and Healed Deep Wounds
  • ​Moved To New Locations That FINALLY Felt Right
  • Branched Off To New Successful Arms of Their Businesses
  • Created Podcasts and YouTube Channels
  • Hosted Retreats
  • Learned How To Say No Without Feeling Bad About It
  • Worked a Lot Less and Made A Lot More Money
  • and This Is Just SOME of The Magic That Happens Every Day!

During Coaching

Each QnA call is a complete open book to ask Elysia for support and guidance for your business and personal life.

Time permitting, we begin with a brief grounding meditation and wins. This is to help you build on your intuitive mindset so that you learn to trust yourself more and more as you continue to level up in your business.

In this program you get to keep practicing getting out of your own way, believing in yourself more, and to keep taking action on behalf of your impact, while tapping into your own creativity and intuition to produce greater results.

Show up mindfully to receive and take action that's unique and applicable to where you are NOW.

If you can't attend live you may submit your questions ahead of time or post in our private members only group.

Be prepared to be kindly called out on your shit (which is usually your commitment to old behavior patterns that are not working and probably never did).

This is next level coaching.

If you've been doing something for years and you're not happy with where you're at, we're gonna shift gears.

You haven't been proving anything to anyone by doing "it" alone.

YES, you will make more money when you show up and do the work. We get out what we put in.

YES, you will inspire, help and be of service to more people because of who you will become and how you start showing up for yourself and others.

So get ready to become the LIMITLESS version of yourself.

"The Brilliance Method Emerald Collective is a game changer. Never before have I included all of my online courses and offered coaching support at this price. I want everyone to win, heal, grow, and be kinder to themselves and others. The time is now.

Use this process to take action and CREATE YOUR LIFE.

My team and I will be with you each step of the way as long as you show up, ask for support, and are open to receiving it.

I create programs the way I would want to be a client.

You'll get full transparency and I want you to ask me anything ANYTIME about why or how I did something so that you can do your own version of it, but better!" - Elysia Skye

Check Out This Love Fest For The Brilliance Method and Coaching With Elysia Skye

💎 Check out what Megs Thompson has to say below...

Cara E.

Production Designer

Aspasia H.

Life Coach

Dee B.

Writer & Actor

Sheila M.

Small Business Owner,

Podcaster & Health Coach

Paige B.

Actor & Teacher

Chloe H.

College Student

Wendy C.

Actor & Dancer

Jenny T.

End of Life Care Consultant

The Emerald Collective




Month to Month (no long term commitment)

Live Group Coaching, Courses, Accountability

Claim Your Abundance and

Expand With Ease

You Are Brilliant

It's Time To Create and Launch or Expand Your Legacy Business with

Clarity, Direction and Intuitive Accountability.

Step Into the Energetics of Having a Soul-Aligned Life (not just a business).

Create Your Signature Online Course or Program in A Way That Feels Easy and Fun for YOU.

Your Clients Require Your Brilliance and You Are Ready To Shine!

Start Showing Up In Magnificent Ways That Feel Good.

Take Strategic Action Steps That Are 100% in Alignment With Who You Are

You Are A Trailblazer. Do Things Your Way!

Illuminate Your Entire Life From The Inside Out.


  • ​Q: When does the group meet for coaching? Every 2nd and 3rd Wednesday at 10am Pacific Time/12pm Central/1pm Eastern for 60 minutes (time subject to change but not without advance notice)

  • Q: How long will it take me to see results? That depends on how much you put into the program. Typical results with an effort of 1-2 hours per week occur in 30-60 days. Be gentle with yourself. This work goes deep and you are going to transform. We notice the clients with the best results review the online courses more than once and attend the majority of the live calls. You will get out of something what you put into it.

  • Q: If typical results happen in under 90 days or less why do most clients renew or stay longer? I heard it used to be an 18 month program. This is month to month program, so as long as you give us a 30 days notice you can pause your membership anytime. Regardless of Emerald, we want you to commit to building your business for a minimum of three years, whether or not you do it with us. Being part of the group for longer than 3 months offers consistency, up-leveling, and continued support that will only add to your financial abundance and self-empowerment. After just a few months with us you will have a new perspective and the layers get added on. As your success increases you will require next level-coaching to meet you where you're at, at that new level. This is why I hold space for you for as long as you require, so that you have mindful accountability and intuitive direction at every level of your limitless success.

  • ​Q: What happens if I miss a call? You do not ever have to attend live, though we love when you do (and so do the rest of the clients in the group). If you submit your question ahead of time it will be answered live and you'll always be sent the replay.

  • ​Q: What if I can't stay on for the entire call? You can hop off when you need to. We understand you have a business and life to run.

  • Q: Do you offer refunds? Nope. You are tapping into my intellectual property. If you do the work you will get results.

  • ​Q: Do you offer a referral bonus? Yes! I am all about reciprocal gratitude. When you send me a new client who has been in the program for at least one month I will gift you one month as a gratitude.

  • ​​Q: What is a Mindful Business Certification? Mindfulness is the core foundation to living a peaceful life and having a thriving business (to thrive with little to no stress or anxiety is a desired result around the globe). Once you've become an expert in mindful business through The Brilliance Method, Course Creation Clarity, Soul-Aligned Sales and have had at least 6 months of ongoing coaching with me and our group, you will receive a certification to share with your audience and display in your office. This adds to your continuing education and your future clients desire to hire you because you have a result they want, and the ability to teach your own version of this practice. This is not an accredited certification for college or insurance purposes (yet).

  • ​Q: Do you donate to charity? Yes, every single month I support multiple causes. My biggest focus is clean water in impoverished countries, though I also support human rights, the planet, and animal rescue.

  • Will I have lifetime access to the courses? Yes, once you finish them. If you don't finish them before you feel complete in working with me and you're not renewing, you won't have continued access. If you do finish the courses, you may keep your access to them for life. This policy helps you with accountability to complete the online courses, which are an essential part of the coaching and learning opportunity for your desired results.

  • What if I want Private 1:1 Coaching? Be sure to read THIS answer and the next FAQ below this one (which does offer 1:1 telegram coaching). Emerald is a hybrid coaching program of live calls and online courses that utilizes soul-aligned energetic strategies that are amplified on the coaching calls when great questions are askied. Case study after case study proves that clients in group coaching programs get better, faster results vs clients who only do 1:1, because they are learning from the questions their peers are asking. Therefore, the learning is expedited (vs just being 1:1 and only hearing your own questions and answers). If you feel that you require 1:1 after you join I'll match you with one of my support coaches with the expertise you are specifically seeking. Once in a while I do open my calendar for 1:1 clients, but this happens only a few times a year due to my busy schedule.

  • What is the Platinum Collective Coaching Program? Platinum is by application only and provides 1:1 support with access to private coaching twice a month, plus 1:1 coaching with me and my team via voice and written text (we use Telegram which is similar to WhatsApp and Voxer), and it includes 1 session per month with one of my support coaches. If you apply and register by paying your first month and your application is not approved at this time, your payment will be refunded within 10 business days.

  • Who are your Support Coaches? These incredible women are alumni of my programs and have worked with me for over 1 year, completed my online courses, and are certified coaches under The Brilliance Method and the specialty coaching they chose to get certified in on their own. They each have a unique and powerful persepctive, coaching style, and many years of experience in working with clients in their niche, covering business strategies, sales, intuitive development, personal excellence, and more. They are sushi knives in their fields.

I feel so much gratitude for the work we will do together and my heart is overjoyed that we’ve met in divine timing!

Thank you for your trust, love and open-ness.